gvcturumpirai@gmail.com +94770763694 Urumpirai
Education for All  Self employment Support Food  for Poor Families
Education for All
Education assistance to needy children
Self employment Support
Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
Food for Poor Families
Dry rations distribution to low income families

Our Focus areas


Schools infrastructure enhancement support


Education assistance to needy children

Food & Medicine

Dry rations distribution to low income families


Self employment support by providing small scale funding

About GVCT

GVCT was formed in March 2021 by a few kind-hearted people from Urumpirai who are living overseas now, with the support of few like-minded people in Urumpirai. GVCT was  registered as a charitable trust with the government of Sri Lanka in August 2021 and maintain a bank account with Bank of Ceylon under the same name. The name “Gnana Vairavar” was chosen not with any religious significance but to have an identity as most founding members were living in close proximity to the temple. Religion doesn’t have a place when we select our beneficiaries.

How can you help us

You can extend your support in multiple ways.You can register as a donor and we will communicate to you of all future projects that our trust will be undertaking. All donors who contribute to any GVCT project will be regularly kept informed of all our activities.

You may also join under our “Permanent Fund Member” program by committing to make an annual  contribution to a permanent fund. Collected contributions are  are kept in fixed deposits and the interest income is used to make regular monthly payments to selected beneficiaries such as students scholarship programs.

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